Alternative Self-Improvements for 2019
To welcome in the new year, Justine Gensse and Anouk Hoogendoorn offer an alternative to the self-improvement narratives of New Year’s resolutions. Collected from students of ‘Gender, Bodies and the Posthuman’ at the University of Amsterdam, these ‘Low-resolutions’ form part of the exhibition W_show, which features work in progress from the University’s Master of Artistic Research.
Dear future us,
Writing a love letter as long and slow as December, we blur the brightness of New Year’s resolutions or the imperative to constantly improve ourselves through drugs and statements and, thus, never being and doing enough, or otherwise being too much: the extravagance hanging on our disco balls, facets under our scrolling eyes. State of identity: exhausted.
Low-resolutions are contra-sexual, minor, contra-captive gestures. Less than 300 dpi (under)focuses on the blurred, the images which have been dismissed based on the quality of their resolution. Low-resolutions (un)follow the art of failed productivity, the irresolute, the infinite (un)felt. Enclosed with this letter, find a menstrual stain (another failed production?) as a low-resolution birth announcement card (picture of future us?).
Anouk & Justine
Keep flushing and keep shit untogether
Be the workers of our own bodily fluids
Do not save word documents after updates
Create a website for near-sighted people to meet someone with same minus vision and exchange glasses
Be the sweet saline of blue days to be the breathless sea on the horizon of our spine
Change the language of our phone to an alphabet we can’t read
Send an MRI of ovaries instead of butt pics
Only throw away a yoghurt package after everything is licked
Acknowledge people ghosting are living with their own ghosts
Ghost all heteronormative gender-normal bodies including family and friends
Wear a wig that looks like your own hair
Spend half an hour in the toilets at work and let people know it’s long ‘cause you’re wearing dungarees
Send pictures of pink headbands on bald babies to people who think a man in a dress is weird
Update CVs with anal and period sex experiences
Advertise on lebonboin.fr to get kidnaped to the wrong corners
Make a blanket out of all the room’s collected dust
Wear a bra as a belt and let boobs hang as low to the ground as possible
Cook clothes until they have another colour
Whip Amazon’s CEO with Hippolyte’s girdle
Play the lava game on the chequered blouse of the person in the cafe asking where we’re from
Have 365 one-night stands instead of a year-long relationship
Be in a year-long relationship with an oyster
Use the pronoun “we” instead of “I”
Do crosswords without writing down the words
Do not attend Christmas dinners anymore, unless there are oysters
Send contraceptive pills to nyaope dealers in South Africa
Send menstrual stains as birth announcement cards
Be the possessive mistress and dog of all people asking too many questions hello how are you what do you do with your life what are your plans
Upload new profile pictures until your self-love is so obvious nobody likes it anymore
Offer silence to the minister who decided to construct a highway next to our grandparents’ countryside house
Spend 4 hours and 33 minutes masturbating over the new partners of our ex because they are so much prettier and smarter
Become best friends with a stone
Make a mould out of another house’s porch
Wait for the mould to grow before eating a cheese
Eat every single grain of rice we cooked
Never have ex-partners, only extravaganza on disco-balls
Have ex-lovers take care of the plants while going on an adventure for new plants
Go to the cemetery of failed productivity during ovulation days

Do not wash hair and embrace the greasiness of living and do grease dances with a can of pickles at the supermarket
Publish texts in the form of clothing tags
Sing ‘Feelings’ by Nina Simone out of tune and hope the feelings will never come again and hit the climax
Give forty euros to people who ask for a cigarette
Have a new voicemail: “We missed your call because we miss you more”
Do more wet readings
Ask delivering food service not to deliver cold pizzas but simply warmth and affection
Ask Uber drivers to bring us to their favourite holiday city
Make sure more packages get lost at the post office
Work at a call centre and try to sell the Harmony RealDoll to an uncle
Ask Harmony if she can have a dick too and if we can live in disharmony for once
Attend all events on Facebook and stay in bed
Fall in love every two days
Read three books at the same time, one page after the other
Block all people including yourself who liked the Beatles page on Facebook
Ask all male bodies why they are not on the pill before having sex
Send letters as long as the month
Ask bodybuilder friends to sew up the holes of socks
Send one litre of menstrual blood to the insurance company and ask for the reimbursement of the Puerto Rican colonial debt
Send apologies for emotions that do not belong to you
Only smoke half-cigarettes but twice as much
Create an online dormitory for our low-resolutions with all the pictures of abandoned mattress in the streets (with their abandoned bondage)
Make a dress with all the dishevelled epaulettes of grandma’s blouses
Make crime scene photography of soil on cars
Walk artworks on a leash as you would a dog in a park; we will kiss it; it will drool
Create an app that matches people depending on their intestinal flows
Smell people’s anuses instead of kissing with tongue
Make copies of an image until it falls off the screen into the cafe
Find neologisms for all situations in life we love and hate
Rethink the chair’s sit-ability
Make low-resolutions sticky so that they don’t need to be stuck to